HOT DOG Linux ![](/web/20220409213642im_/
Mac Installation Screenshots
Login. When you boot from the USB image, you should be presented with a login screen. Login as `root’, password is `root’.
1. Select ‘Install Hot Dog Linux’ from the menu bar. It will scan the drives for a Linux partition. If it finds one, then you can click `Skip’. Otherwise you will have to create one using fdisk or an alternative program.
2. Select the first option to continue with the installation dialogs. The UP/DOWN, SPACE, ‘+’, ‘-‘, and TAB keys do not work. The text is a remnant from the Slackware installation script. ENTER should work, though.
3. I do not use swap space, as I prefer to run out of memory.
4. Select the Linux partition you want to use for the installation.
5. I always do a quick format.
6. I use `ext4′.
7. The partition will be added to `/etc/fstab’.
8. I have Windows installed on another partition. I select `No’ because I don’t want to access it from Linux.
9. Select `Install SLACKWARE Live OS to disk’.
10. Click `OK’ to start the installation.
11. Wait a few minutes while everything gets installed.
12. When it is finished, click `OK’.
13. Now you will create a user account.
14. Enter the username for the user account you want to create.
15. Enter a password for the user.
16. Enter a root password.
17. I don’t exactly undestand what this means, but just click `OK’.
18. I prefer to use syslinux instead of LILO but you can install LILO if you like. If you want to use a different bootloader, you’ll have to do it manually.
19. I choose to safe option.
20. I leave it blank.
21. I choose MBR.
22. I choose `No’, but you can configure the network here if you like.
23. These are the defaults.
24. I choose local time.
25. I use `vim’. Nothing beats vim.
26. All done.
27. Exit the installer.
28. Click `OK’. From the menu bar, choose `Restart’ to boot the installed system.