Hotdog LINUX

Lightweight Interface Naturally Using X11

Installation Screenshots Atari ST

1. Select 'Install Hot Dog Linux' from the menu bar.

Before installing, you will need to create and format a partition the drive for the system, and a small partition for the bootloader. A graphical tool is not included at this time, you will need to use the command line for now. This is the most difficult part of the installation.

2. Select the Linux partition and boot partition you want to use for the installation.

3. Click 'Install' to start the installation.

4. Wait a few minutes while everything gets installed.

5. When it is finished, click 'OK'.

6. Enter a root password.

7. Enter the username for the user account you want to create.

8. Enter a password for the user.

9. I choose 'No'. I'm not sure if it will work if you say 'Yes', but you can try.

10. I just click 'OK' to use the default settings.

11. I choose 'No', I'm not interested in trying out custom screen fonts.

12. I choose local time.

13. I use 'vim'. Nothing beats vim.

14. All done.

Click 'OK'. From the menu bar, choose 'Restart' to boot the installed system. Don't forget to remove the installer device.